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How strong is

the case for



The case that it's true?

The case that we should be glad

it's true?

To really find out, you need to hear 

the best presentations

of the case...​

Exatheist Friend selects the cream of YouTube and other online resources on

[1] the evidence and reasoning that convinced a decades-long atheist (me) of Christianity, and [2] the profound, lasting joy and peace that embracing Christ brings. I also share here info and insights I wish someone had shared with me during my investigation of Christianity. Feel free to drop me a line with any thoughts!     Lee Morrison


Featured Recent Addition
to the Video Library

Distinguished British historian Tom Holland is not a Christian...

...but his 2019 book Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World has been leading many to revise their evaluation of Christianity's impact on Western civilization. VIDEO LENGTH: UNDER 11 MIN.

Spotlight on an Especially Potent Video

  --Two videos this time, 'cause I couldn't make up my mind between them and they complement each other so well. Both feature a same-sex-attracted Christian who is splendidly "their own person" and (IMHO) probably a genius.


Video 1  

An examination of Christianity and human rights that slices right to the heart of the matter​

The first seven minutes alone show why I make that claim for this video. Rebecca McLaughlin doesn't sugarcoat.

Video 2  

Can choosing to follow Jesus and his sexual ethic be even more life-expanding for a same-sex-attracted person than for a straight person?​

David Bennett's answer, based on personal experience: Yes. Who is he? For one thing, he embodies the answer to the question in the preceding video's title by being conspicuously un-crushed. He's one of the most buoyant, liberated and empowered people I've ever encountered. If you think I'm exaggerating, I hope you'll try the first 6:45 of this interview.

A Curated Collection of


Talks, Q&A's, Interviews, Discussions and Animations

  • Top-echelon scholars, scientists, authors, commentators.

  • Tough questions about sexuality, science & the Bible, hell, and suffering are among the topics.

  • Selected from hundreds of candidate videos viewed and evaluated.

  • Most are suitable to just listen to like podcasts.

  • Subject categories
    (in the order the videos appear in below):

    • What Is Christianity, Really? (freshly explained)​

    • The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: The Historical Case that It Really Happened
      (This is what set me on the path from atheism to Christianity.)

    • Does God Exist? (including compatibility with science)

    • Additional Evidence that Christianity Is True -- Plus Reasons to Be Very Glad It's True

    • Are the Biblical Accounts of Jesus Reliable?

    • LGBTQ Folk and Other Diversity

    • Hell: The Three Christian Views

    • All the Suffering and Evil in the World -- Why Does God Allow It?

    • More on Reasons to Be Very Glad Christianity Is True​

What Is Christianity, Really? 

(The most illuminating explanation on video, by far.

If you disagree, please let me know!)

This trio of talks by Glen Scrivener could be entitled "The Story of God, the World and You" (as is his book on the subject). They explain Christianity in terms of God's "grand plan" of creating us to share in his incredible love eternally.


The first talk includes Christianity's answer (offered by no other religion or philosophy) to the question: How is it possible for God to "be love" -- for lovingness to have been the essence of his nature from eternity -- given that before he created anything there wasn't anything or anyone for him to love? 


The next talk in this trio is about how humanity became alienated from God, and God's plan to reunite with each of us and make us a member of his family.

     BTW, Scrivener uses the story of Adam and Eve to illustrate our having become separated from God. Some Christians believe the Bible's account of Adam and Eve is allegorical, while some believe there was an actual originating pair of humans.

In the conclusion of this trio, Scrivener lays out Jesus's free offer for each of us to become one with him and thus join God's family. Our receiving his unconditional love, peace, and joy begins immediately, increases in heaven, and continues eternally.

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ:

The Historical Case that It Really Happened

The historical case uses only the data and research-&-analysis methods used by secular historians. It treats the Bible as just another ancient document with no special status. 

     If you watch only one of this set of videos, I recommend the talk by Dr. Vince Vitale, "Was the Resurrection a Hoax?" However, note that...


...the first two videos are a pair of quite short animations, substantive and eye-opening, from the eminent historian Dr. William Lane Craig. You'll find further below a talk he gave on this subject at Yale.

The following talk is by Dr. N. T. Wright, who has been called "the world's leading New Testament scholar" (Newsweek). His research on the historical case for the resurrection has convinced many skeptics, making him "a hero to...Christians worldwide"(Time).

Dr. Gary Habermas's presentation, below, is relaxed and even entertaining without sacrificing scholarly solidity.

Does God Exist?

(including compatibility with SCIENCE)

Additional Evidence Christianity Is True

-- Plus Reasons to Be Very Glad It's True

Are the Biblical Accounts of Jesus Reliable?

LGBTQ Folk and Other Diversity

It kills me that terrible misconceptions are still widespread in America regarding the Christian perspective on same-sex attraction (SSA)!

  • Misconception #1:  In Christianity it's considered sinful to experience SSA.

  • Misconception #2:  A person who experiences SSA is less welcome at churches (churches that are genuinely Christian) or is considered less able to be a good Christian than other people.

Recommended for correcting these basic falsehoods: the third video below, "Can I be gay and be a good Christian?"



However, I've given pride of place to two videos that are more wide-ranging and at the same time more deep. In each, a longstanding Christian with SSA talks about why and how they follow Jesus. If you imagine that gays who have decided to be Christians are probably people who tend to blindly conform to tradition rather than think for themselves, please "meet" Rebecca McLaughlin (whom I consider the most important Christian apologist today) and David Bennett (a profound thinker, eloquent -- and you'd likely guess he's gay from 30 seconds of conversation with him! :) ).

YouTube's automated system that aims at protecting its users has really "put its foot in it" with regard to the following illuminating interview of Rachel Gilson. A statement about "conversion therapy" pops up though no one in the video advocates for anything remotely resembling that practice. On the contrary, Gilson experiences same-sex attraction to this day and doesn't expect that to change. She became a follower of Christ when attending Yale and lives by the Christian sexual ethic. She chose to marry; she and her husband have one child so far.

Hell: The Three Christian Views
(only one of which is that the ordeal has no end)

I should note that one of the two views in which the ordeal does end has only a small following among genuine Christians and is particularly controversial. A very brief written summary of the three views is included here (under "Key Points...").

     The presenter in this video is biblical scholar Dr. Preston M. Sprinkle, who was chosen to be general editor of Four Views on Hell (Zondervan, 2nd ed., 2016).

All the Suffering and Evil in the World --

Why Does God Allow It?

More on Reasons to Be Glad Christianity Is True

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